COVID-19 Safe Shooting Guidelines
To enable the health & safety of everyone involved and attending a Common People Films production in relation to COVID-19, we are responsibly following the 'APA Shooting Guidelines'. All of our producers have completed the 'APA Assessment Test' and have also taken the 'First Option’s Managing Covid 19 Risks on Production Course'.
Where possible, there will be a “COVID” producer / supervisor whose sole responsibility will be to oversee all safety measures on set for the duration of the shoot(s).
Crew Numbers and Schedule
Reducing crew numbers may affect standard shoot schedules. We envisage having an approx. 10-15% reduction in filming time than a standard day due to smaller crews and associated time taken for set-ups / changes. This is pending treatment, creative and script which may in some cases result in shooting over multiple days.
Remote Shooting
We have implemented a remote shooting workflow that allows clients and other key creatives to view the live shoot direct from the camera*, interact and give feedback over the internet from the safety of their own environment to avoid unnecessary travel. (broadband setup required)
Production Checklist and Guidelines
Our shoot guidelines will ensure the following; Social distancing where possible, a signed health declaration by all attending the shoot, a process for excluding anyone who displays symptoms whilst on set, sanitiser and hand washing provision, PPE provision, the sanitisation of studios and locations before and after use and travel.
Social Distancing - always maintain a 2-metre social distance from each other on set. The only areas where this may have to be broken is camera dept (script dependant), talent (with each other) and hair and make-up.
A signed health declaration by all people attending the shoot will be required the day before the shoot. This will be supplied by CMN PPL Films with the call sheet.
If any person on set displays symptoms of COVID-19 whilst on set, we have a process to immediately remove them and get them to a safe place and will have replacement crew on standby.
Sanitiser will be provided on set all times and breaks for hand washing will be scheduled into the day.
PPE will be provided for the entire shoot from an alternative source which does not disrupt any NHS supply chain. We would encourage crew to bring their own where applicable.
All studios / locations and delivered kit will be sanitised before and after any and every shoot.
Our measures will take guidance from .gov and will be in place until otherwise advised.
For full APA guidance, please download here.
The above measures ensure maximum safety and will be charged to the shoot accordingly. Not for profit.
*Only for certain cameras. Broadband setup required.